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Thomas Gainsborough Art

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3 Items
Framed Blue Boy
Blue Boy
by Thomas Gainsborough
26" x 34" Frame
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Price: $268.79 
Framed Lady Walking in a Garden with a Child
Lady Walking in a Garden with a Child
by Thomas Gainsborough
21" x 30" Frame
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Price: $255.49 
Framed Lady Walking in a Garden with a Child
Lady Walking in a Garden with a Child
by Thomas Gainsborough
26" x 37" Frame
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Price: $312.19 
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Artist Thomas Gainsborough (Born 1727) was born in Suffolk, England. He was one of nine children born to a weaver and woolen merchant called John Gainsborough. Due to the fact that his mother natured his talent with a pencil and his mother’s fondness for painting flowers, Gainsborough managed to come up with a very impressive portfolio at a young age. By 1737 when he was only 10 years old, he had drawn some landscapes of the local village, and added some facial studies and caricatures. His father was so happy with his work that he allowed him to go to London, where he studied in St. Martin's Lane at an academy under William Hogarth, the renowned and other masters known for portraiture, historical painting and etching. During this time Gainsborough fell in love with Burr Margaret who was an illegitimate daughter of a rich man, and the dowry paid allowed him to set up a studio by the time he was 20. The studio was in Ipswich. At one time, Gainsborough realized that his landscapes were not selling, so he turned to portraiture for money. By then he already had two daughters. He moved with his family to Bath and started to study the painter Sir Anthony van Dyck to get an insight into technique. Here there was also a more active flood of fashionable customers that made him to get good sales. His art is today available as framed Thomas Gainsborough art which come ready to hang with all the accessories. Clients who want his art in other finishing options can also get them.
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