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Sandi Gore Evans Art

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Sandi Gore Evans (Born 1945 – Died 2000) was born in Olney, Texas. She was born to Jean Flanigan and Henry Kirby Gore. In 1947, the family moved to Augusta where she attended school. In 1961, she graduated from high school in Israel after moving with her family. In the following year she returned to the United States to marry James L. Evans, her high school sweetheart. They made their home in Augusta after 1966. She was a self-taught artist whose love of art started at an early age. Sue had an unusual gift of combining the sophistication and elegance of watercolor with the beauty and innocence of childhood. Sandi grew up with a keen interest in art, and was encouraged by her father, who was also a painter. The artist found inspiration in the things that surround her home. Her paintings clearly reflect the joy she found in her work, her life, her family and her home. Through the years, she refined her artistic skills and turned her passion into a thriving career. Her distinctive style is easily recognized by the viewers. Sandi attributed her success to God’s blessings and hard work. Adults describe her images as warm and homey, while children feel that her illustrations are created just for them to be playful and fun; everyone who sees her work says it makes them contented and happy. Ready to hang framed Sandi Gore Evans art have become so popular with many collectors. They are highly priced and availed in custom frames. Sandi died of cancer in 2000.
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