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Sally Caldwell-Fisher Art

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7 Items
Framed Flying Colors
Flying Colors
by Sally Caldwell-Fisher
31" x 15" Frame
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Price: $158.89 
Framed Newport Regatta
Newport Regatta
by Sally Caldwell-Fisher
19" x 22" Frame
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Price: $148.39 
Framed After the Races
After the Races
by Sally Caldwell-Fisher
31" x 15" Frame
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Price: $158.89 
Framed Cape Cod Sail
Cape Cod Sail
by Sally Caldwell-Fisher
19" x 22" Frame
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Price: $148.39 
Framed Horizon Light
Horizon Light
by Sally Caldwell-Fisher
19" x 22" Frame
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Price: $148.39 
Framed Mariner's Landing
Mariner's Landing
by Sally Caldwell-Fisher
20" x 23" Frame
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Price: $156.09 
Framed Rainbow Cats
Rainbow Cats
by Sally Caldwell-Fisher
23" x 19" Frame
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Price: $154.69 
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7 Items
Sally Caldwell-Fisher (Born 1951) was born in Philadelphia. Sally and her brothers and sisters grew up in Birmingham, Michigan. Her mother was a gifted watercolorist but never had the time to pursue her own creative passion so she transferred those desires to Sally and her sister who took them up almost dutifully. Their mother provided them with good materials, for which Sally will always be thankful, as some of the real magic of painting is released through the surface and paint alchemy. Sally did not attend art school. She majored in English at the University of Michigan. It was her raw love of art and passion for literature which led her to develop a narrative painting style. Over the years, her style has evolved consistently, and her art has been featured in Traditional Home magazines U.S. Art, American Artist, Romantic Homes, and Art/Trends. Her art has also been shown on two Yankee Magazine covers. Sally designed the events posters for the Tall Ships, Quebec, America's Cup San Diego, and the America's Cup Newport. Sally’s style can never adequately be described as it defies easy classification. Much of her painting has reflected New England’s coastal life with an emphasis on the marine. Her art is included in the permanent collections of the Mitsui Kagaku Corporation, Tokyo, MBNA, the Bruce Museum, Exxon of Japan, Smithsonian Institution, Panasonic of Japan, and The White House. Her "Rainbow Cats" painting was chosen to adorn the cover of the Decor magazine. Framed Sally Caldwell-Fisher art are today very popular among discerning art collectors.
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