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Giuseppe Cades Art

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Framed Tullia about to Ride over the Body of Her Father in Her Chariot
Tullia about to Ride over the Body of Her Father in Her Chariot
by Giuseppe Cades
27" x 22" Frame
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Price: $210.39 
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Giuseppe Cades (Born 1750) was born in Rome. He was an engraver, painter and sculptor. He was remarkably gifted, and won prominent prizes for drawing before he was 16. Cades trained at Accademia di San Luca in Rome but left in 1766 when his master came to dislike his independence which he considered excessive. In the early 1770s, he received his first commissions that were very important, so he had to employ a style that was inspired by Carlo Maratta – the late Baroque classicist style. Around 1774, Cades started to adopt influences from Renaissance and Mannerist painting, as well as the antique. This he did through his association with Johann Heinrich Fuseli's circle. . In 1766 he visited Florence, and in 1768 he executed an altar-piece for San Benedetto in Turin. Three years later, he executed another piece for the church of Santi Apostoli. He widened his range of subjects, which in the end included Roman and Greek literature, Italian Renaissance literature and religious history. Cades remained in Rome throughout his career, but he further expanded his education in art by touring northern Italy. The artist also worked on many decorative projects for Roman villas and palazzi and made easel paintings for private patrons and churches. Framed Giuseppe Cades art currently adorn the walls of many prestigious galleries, museums and institutions around the world. He capitalized on his astounding facility as a draughtsman and began producing drawings in the style of the old masters. His art is very unique and is easily recognizable. His clients included Catherine the Great of Russia.
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