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Lee Bogle Art

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The earliest memories of Lee Bogle include picturing life, drawing and painting. A Northwestern native, his art has always been more than a pastime for he has taken art as a passion. He lives in the Northwest where he is surrounded and inspired by the beauty of nature. He chose a career in education after receiving his Art degree from Central Washington University and pursuing graduate study at the University of Washington. Bogle taught art in junior and senior high schools for 20 years. As he was teaching, he was also working on his art. As the demand for his art grew, he would no longer manage the two careers and he was forced to choose between teaching and art. Bogle decided to leave teaching so as to pursue his lifelong dream of being an artist full time. Bogle says that painting defines him; it's who he is, not just what he does. He works with atmospheric and muted colors; he’s among the best artists when it comes to depicting the expressive quality of light. His posters, prints and art are exhibited widely in museums and galleries throughout the country. Bogle is known by many collectors for his posters, prints and art of Native Americans; he often depicts women’s solitary figures - women whose beauties far surpass the superficial and go deep into the heart. Framed Lee Bogle art can be used to bring any room to life. That’s why they are in high demand and are stocked by many collectors worldwide.
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