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Pip Bloomfield Art

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Pip Bloomfield is an artist based in Los Angeles. Over the years, her credentials have grown to include a very impressive list of clients some of whom include celebrities and leading businesses. Currently, her art adorns the walls of many buildings all over the world. She likes to travel a lot and her inspiration comes from these travels. She has several years of experience as an artist and is able to skillfully execute fine art photographs that appeal to designers and collectors alike. She combines her design background with the eye of a photographer for composition and color to create images which fulfill the desire of her clients. Those who purchase framed Pip Bloomfield art today do so because they are attractive, durable and inspiring. Her vision together with the versatility of her designs has fostered a very successful career to date. She’s a photographic artist and designer that produces her art in a manner that makes the viewers feel that they have actually visited the scenes and seen the subjects she’s capturing. She has received awards for her outstanding works. The artist deals with a variety of subject matter to increase the collectability of her art. She designs all sorts of things like dinnerware, furniture, fabric, lighting, paper, and all that good stuff. Her work has been featured in magazines and books, and several of her pieces of framed Pip Bloomfield art are currently hanging on the walls of many prestigious buildings around the world. Her photographic art mainly focuses on huge flowers that are available in Poster form.
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