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Carme Aliaga Art

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3 Items
Framed Destinos
by Carme Aliaga
31" x 19" Frame
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Price: $180.59 
Framed Zeppelin
by Carme Aliaga
31" x 25" Frame
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Price: $264.59 
Framed Wheels and Wings
Wheels and Wings
by Carme Aliaga
31" x 25" Frame
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Price: $263.89 
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Carme Aliaga (Born in 1971) was born in a small city near Barcelona called Terrassa in Spain. That’s where she still lives to date. Carme loved art from a young age and she would spend most of her free time drawing, painting and sketching. Since her early childhood, she knew she would be a painter, and she was encouraged by those around her to pursue art as a full time career. Carme did not disappoint. After her first degree she proceeded with her studies at the University of Barcelona where she obtained a Masters of Fine Arts degree in 1994. During her first professional years Carme was a high school teacher while at the same time she painted, but come the year 2000, she decided to take painting as a full time career. The ancient Mediterranean civilizations strongly influenced her first works. Her main themes, including airplanes and ships, always appear damaged by the passage of time. Painting helps her to express her inner optimism and spontaneity. Carme enjoys exploring her creativity and learning new techniques. The influence of ancient Mediterranean civilizations can still be seen in her contemporary works which she bases on travel posters of the 1920s, with their sense of travel and typographies. Since achieving her ambition to become a full time artist, her paintings are now much sought after by discerning private collectors and galleries throughout the world. She produces her art in a variety of finishing options including ready to hang framed Carme Aliaga art are the most popular with many collectors. She enjoys the effect of her paintings on others’ imaginations and emotions.
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