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Ansel Adams Art

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22 Items
Framed Oak Tree Snowstorm
Oak Tree Snowstorm
by Ansel Adams
28" x 31" Frame
Price: $346.39 
Framed Old Faithful Geyser
Old Faithful Geyser
by Ansel Adams
40" x 18" Frame
Price: $311.19 
Framed Oak Tree-Sunset City
Oak Tree-Sunset City
by Ansel Adams
29" x 25" Frame
Price: $309.59 
Framed Desert Valley
Desert Valley
by Ansel Adams
28" x 28" Frame
Price: $323.99 
Framed Palm Grove
Palm Grove
by Ansel Adams
33" x 25" Frame
Price: $315.99 
Framed Scripps Pier
Scripps Pier
by Ansel Adams
17" x 14" Frame
Price: $137.59 
Framed Farm Workers and Mt. Williamson
Farm Workers and Mt. Williamson
by Ansel Adams
28" x 23" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $284.79 
Framed National Archives I
National Archives I
by Ansel Adams
29" x 22" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $284.79 
Framed Close-in view of curved cliff, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona
Close-in view of curved cliff, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona
by Ansel Adams
25" x 19" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $189.59 
Framed Grand Canyon canyon and ravine
Grand Canyon canyon and ravine
by Ansel Adams
14" x 12" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $123.19 
Framed Grand Canyon National Park - Arizona, 1933
Grand Canyon National Park - Arizona, 1933
by Ansel Adams
24" x 21" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $256.79 
Framed Grand Canyon National Park canyon with ravine winding
Grand Canyon National Park canyon with ravine winding
by Ansel Adams
15" x 12" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $123.99 
Framed Grand Canyon National Park from Yava Point
Grand Canyon National Park from Yava Point
by Ansel Adams
14" x 13" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $124.79 
Framed Grand Canyon National Park Arizona, 1933
Grand Canyon National Park Arizona, 1933
by Ansel Adams
14" x 13" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $123.99 
Framed National Archives
National Archives
by Ansel Adams
21" x 24" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $255.19 
Framed National Archives II
National Archives II
by Ansel Adams
24" x 21" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $255.19 
Framed Grand Canyon close in panorama
Grand Canyon close in panorama
by Ansel Adams
15" x 12" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $124.79 
Framed Grand Canyon National Park - Arizona, 1933 - photograph
Grand Canyon National Park - Arizona, 1933 - photograph
by Ansel Adams
15" x 13" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $124.79 
Framed View, looking down, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, 1933
View, looking down, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, 1933
by Ansel Adams
25" x 19" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $191.99 
Framed View from the North Rim, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, 1933
View from the North Rim, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, 1933
by Ansel Adams
24" x 21" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $255.19 
Framed View of rock formations, Grand Canyon National Park,  Arizona, 1933
View of rock formations, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, 1933
by Ansel Adams
24" x 21" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $254.39 
Framed National Archives
National Archives
by Ansel Adams
30" x 35" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $374.39 
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22 Items
Ansel Adams (20 February, 1902 - 22 April, 1984) was an American photographer who’s one of the most respected photography artists of 20th century. He built a reputation over several years through his quality black and white representations of American wildlife and mountains. Adams’ photographs capture world’s renowned tourist attractions, including national parks and mountainous landscapes of the US. Although he studied piano as a youth, things changed when he met Paul Strand, a professional photographer. His interaction with Strand influenced him to do more in photography. At the outset, it was a bit of a challenge, especially because of the elusiveness of determining the final outcome and the possible emotional impact before taking a shot. However, after years of practice, he mastered the art of capturing stories that have evident emotional undertones. Adams’ 60 years of experience saw him try out several techniques. He also worked with different cameras and experimented with subjects to get his edge. Through photography, he interacted a lot with the environment, sparking in him a strong feeling to protect the environment. That saw him rally together with other environmental conservation activists to lobby for greater efforts in nature protection. His active involvement saw him serve Sierra Club as the director for a period of 37 years, ending 1971. The quality and depth of his originals have seen framed Ansel Adams art sell on diverse platforms. His original works are also exhibited at The Museum of Modern Art and The Metropolitan Museum of Art, both in New York. Adams won several awards, including Hasselblad Award, Presidential Medal of Freedom and Conservation Service Award.
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