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Wendy Wooden Art

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Wendy Wooden is an Australian designer and painter based in Avalon Beach, located in the northern beaches of Sydney. It’s the same place she continues to work. She has built a reputation for her creative works due to their great artistry that has seen them penetrate several markets. Wendy’s works sell worldwide and she’s built a comprehensive portfolio that consists of high quality pieces that have been stocked in a number of galleries and are also found in reputable collections. Her artwork cover several different subjects that are inspired by her many travels, life experiences, her creative family, and her personal observations. They include figurative pieces, florals, coastal scenes, and diverse contemporary works. It’s for these reasons that Wendy’s audience can easily relate with her works, which are mostly of everyday life and scenes. She boasts of an in depth understanding of color, form, and composition, a treasure of knowledge that has seen her works receive widespread positive critics from art experts. Wendy’s works can be found in different products, including stationery, house ware products, textiles, and more. Some of the manufacturers and art publishers that she’s worked with include ScafaTornabene Art Publishing New York, International Graphics Germany, Chamtons Pty. Ltd. Melbourne, and Top Art Italy. She has basically managed to win partners due to her craftsmanship and continuous efforts to better her works. Her creative pieces are widely sought after, with framed Wendy Wooden art selling widely in dealerships and galleries. Wendy’s works are also sold in canvas, lamination, and prints.
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