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Edna Hibel Art

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Edna Hibel (1917 – 2014) was born in Boston, Massachusetts and she was raised in the Boston area. She was a painter of sentimental pictures of children. She had a more than 6 decades career as lithographer and painter and promoter of peace through exhibitions of her works of art. She was born to Abraham and Lena Hibel, and was educated at Brookline High School where she met Theodore Plotkin, her future husband. Edna began to paint when she was only 9 years old and she learnt watercolor when her family had a vacation at the shore in Hull and Maine during summers. From 1935 to 1939, Edna studied at the Boston Museum School of Fine Arts, and received a Sturtevant Traveling Fellowship to Mexico. In 1966, she began lithography in Boston, continuing in Zurich in 1970, she worked every year until her death. Edna created lithographic works with up to 32 colors (or stones) on silk, paper, porcelain and wood veneer. The former pieces result from a complicated process and are called lithographs on porcelain. She kept her technique a secret. Edna created various plaques with this technique including the "Arte Ovale" series. While in Jupiter, Florida, Edna organized the Edna Hibel Museum of Art, to promote and display her work, she also created "Mother Earth" a United Nations stamp. Her art has been exhibited in galleries and museums in more than twenty countries including Brazil, Russia, Costa Rica, China, and the United States. In these countries and many others, framed Edna Hibel art can be seen hanging on the walls of many prestigious buildings.
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